Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Let’s help you through this and come out of it stronger (part two)

“People are much more resilient than they (or we) think” (Resilience being defined as “an individual’s ability to journey through adversity without suffering debilitating or destructive effects”) As the news begins to focus on the easing of the lockdown procedures, as business leaders we need to start thinking about what our people may need to maximise the positive impact of,

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“Leading from any chair”

Following on from our help sheet of last week (which you can download again by clicking here), the feedback has been brilliant and you’re definitely hungry for more pragmatic help and support. We, at Sewells, feel the world of work may never quite be the same again – in so many ways. One of the ways to recognise and gain benefit

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Let’s help you through this and come out of it stronger

“Going through tough times doesn’t give you character … it REVEALS your character … especially your leadership character.”   With the Coronavirus crisis hitting us all harder, deeper – and probably longer – than we hoped it would, as leaders of businesses and teams, we have to demonstrate the “best of the best” when it comes to leadership skills. In

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“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” Mike Tyson

We hope this finds you, your family and your people safe and well – and we hope it stays that way! Thank you for all the positive comments we’ve received from you, our clients and prospective clients, about the usefulness of the help and advice in our help sheet last week (click here to review) Please find below our second help sheet

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“A leader must face reality and deal in hope” Napoleon

We hope this finds you, your family and your people safe and well – and we hope it stays that way! As the UK’s leading business improvement specialists, we’ve been inundated from clients (and prospective clients) for some priceless and pragmatic insights that will help you get you through this crisis and come out of it stronger.  This is the

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Let’s help you get through this and come out of it stronger

As we all face the difficult challenges of responding to the coronavirus our thoughts go out to the people directly affected. We send heartfelt thanks to the health care professionals and volunteers and others around the world working flat out to contain these unprecedented circumstances. We, at Sewells, are totally committed to keeping people positive during these trying times –

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The customers have spoken. Are you listening?

Customer expectations continue to climb and it is becoming more and more challenging for companies to set themselves apart from the competition. Markets are increasingly crowded, and both price and product are being steadily overtaken by customer experience as the number one brand differentiator. Customer service excellence is about more than simply solving customer queries… it should be an integral

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10 tips for creating world class customer experiences

Can you confidently say that you and your company consistently delivered world class customer experiences everywhere, by everyone, every time in 2019? Does everyone from the top of the organisation to the bottom live, eat and breathe delivering amazing customer experiences? If the answer is “no”, “maybe” or you find yourself looking for excuses … the likelihood is they don’t.

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The biggest barriers to sales improvement revealed here!

So, what are the biggest problems our clients face in their quest for consistent sales growth?   Lack of sustainable sales? Squeezing of margins? Customer retention / loyalty? Lack of an effective CRM system? Crowded and competitive marketplace? Retention of sales people? Price of product or service too high?   It could be any or all of these – as

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