Sewells Reading List

On this page, we list some of the best inspirational reads that have played a part in shaping Sewells’ methodology. We’ve separated them in to categories and added links directly to Amazon so you can easily purchase the books or get them sent directly to your eReader.

Recommended Reads Motivational

the guide – Dr. William Holden

‘the guide’ explains not just what to do to improve any aspect of your life, but also why and how it works.


How To Win Friends And Influence People – Dale Carnegie

A “must” for anyone who interacts with people on a daily basis! The definitive book on relationships with customers, friends and families in mind.

You Can’t Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought – John Roger & Peter McWilliams

Full of amusing and interesting quotes which emphasise the importance of banishing negative thoughts from your mind forever.

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude – W C Stone & Napoleon Hill

An original book on positive thinking brought to life by two inspiring authors.

Being Happy – Andrew Matthews

A wonderful place to start teaching the young of today to search for the good in themselves and focus on it consistently.

Think And Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Compiled following a series of interviews with the rich and famous. Hill shows how REAL positive thinking worked for all of them, and can work for you too.

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself – Shad Helmstetter

Simple yet profound techniques to help you programme yourself for success and happiness.

Psycho-Cybernetics – Maxwell Maltz

With over 3 million copies sold, this classic book is an absolute must for those wishing to tap their subconscious power, improve self image and get more out of life. 

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus – Dr. John Gray

A refreshing book based on years of successful counselling. Dr. Gray explains and gives the reasons for conflicts between sexes. A brilliant read.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull – Richard Bach

An inspiring book about the joy of achievement told through the eyes of a young seagull.

Message of a Master – John McDonald

The Message of a Master clearly shows us how we can harness the forces within to achieve health, vitality and prosperity. This is the story of a miraculous change that takes place in a man after he meets a true master of life. He learns, and shares with us, secret teachings that allow him to develop his powers so that he can accomplish anything he desires.

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind – Deepak Chopra

By increasing our self-knowledge, we can master simple yet effective ways to metabolise time, and so achieve our unbounded potential.

Feel the Fear, and Do It Anyway – Susan Jeffers

A must for anyone who doubts themselves from time to time.

The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure – James Redfield & Carol Adrienne

The Celestine Prophecy is an extraordinary, life changing book. It clarifies ideas and directs your application of the Prophecy’s message, empowering you to make an essential difference in the lives of the people you care about and the planet you cherish.

Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life - Héctor García

ikigai – is the Japanese word for ‘a reason to live’ or ‘a reason to jump out of bed in the morning’.

It’s the place where your needs, desires, ambitions, and satisfaction meet. A place of balance. Small wonder that finding your ikigai is closely linked to living longer.

Recommended Advanced Motivational Reads For Those Seeking The More Challenging Book

Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl

A prominent Viennese psychiatrist recounts his experience in Nazi concentration camps. An uplifting book in spite of its tragic setting.

Manual of the Warrior of Light – Paulo Coelho

Each page of the Manual of the Warrior of Light is a new passage, an inspirational thought, a message of wisdom, guidance and encouragement.

The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

Every few decades a book is published that changes the lives of its readers forever. This is such a book – a magical fable about learning to listen to your heart, read the omens strewn along life’s path and, above all, follow your dreams. One of the top 100 books in the BBC’s Big Read survey.

Legacy – James Kerr

Legacy is an inspirational read that goes deep into the heart of the world’s most successful sporting team, the legendary All Blacks of New Zealand, to reveal 15 powerful and practical lessons for leadership and business.

If Life’s a Game, These are the Rules – Cherie Carter-Scott

Bestselling author, Cherie Carter-Scott gives vital, real-world advice to help you create the level of personal success that we all desire.

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey

Considered one of the most inspiring books ever written, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has guided generations of readers for the past three decades.

Drive – Daniel Pink

Forget everything you thought you knew about how to motivate people – at work, at school, at home. It is wrong. As Daniel H. Pink explains in his paradigm-shattering book Drive, the secret to high performance and satisfaction in today’s world is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and the world.

5 Dysfunctions of a Team –Patrick Lencioni

In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni once again offers a leadership fable that is as enthralling and instructive as his first two best-selling books, The Five Temptations of a CEO and The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive.

Leaders Eat Last – Simon Sinek

When we take care of our people, our people will take care of us. They will help see that our cause becomes a reality.

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