Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Grow your sales

In recent meetings with clients for whom we’ve run sales improvement programmes, we were keen to understand what they felt were the key differentiators that made us stand out from the crowd. Three key themes kept coming out time and again.   1) You build on the practical and positive psychology of the sales person before going into the sales

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Find out The Seven Key Principles of Successful Sales

We, at Sewells, have found that the good, highly effective “timeless” selling skills are becoming more and more difficult to find … even more so now we’re going more and more down the “remote” and “virtual” route! When salespeople take the tired and outdated approaches in striving to sell successfully, many of the most important aspects of the sales process

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Discover The Biggest Barriers to Sales Improvement for Businesses Like Yours

Can you relate and recognise any of these problems in your sales department? Lack of growth? Squeezing of margins? Customer retention/loyalty? Lack of an effective CRM system? Crowded and competitive marketplace? Non-existent sales process? Retention of salespeople? No value added? Price of product or service too high?    It could be any or all of these – as well as

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The way to lead? It’s as easy as B-L-T

This year, more than ever, people in leadership positions in business must put interpersonal relationships as the top priority in their leadership tool kit.  In other words, how well can they communicate, empathise, motivate and build genuine trust with their teams? They must be able to re-invigorate and re-engage their people by demonstrating that they have earned the right of being

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Stop procrastinating, start leading!

I can’t believe how many people in leadership positions seem to have lost the ability to make decisions, become masterful at creative problem solving or planning, in a way that turns ideas into action and the spectacular results all businesses need just now These are the basics of leadership. If we can’t master these, we’ll never be able to master the

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Giving them Hell or Hope?

We, at Sewells, don’t give corporate executives hell … we just tell them the truth and they sometimes think it’s hell .. when, the realty is, it’s hope! Every organisation needs a truth teller. We call them “Yinglings” after a US Army Colonel called Paul Yingling. He loves the Army and yet is not afraid to speak the truth in

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Companies don’t provide customer service … people do!

There is no way that the quality of customer service can exceed the quality of the attitude of the people who provide it (whether on the ‘phone, virtually or finally back to face to face) – and the culture of the organisation within which they work. 10 times out of 10, if the attitude and mindset of your team are

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