Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Developing the business outcomes you want to see through highly effective leadership skills

For the month of March, we are covering the business critical topic of developing proper, practical and highly effective “Inspiring Leadership” skills Proper inspirational leaders are the driving force behind sustainably uplifting business performance to world class levels. They energise and elevate performance from everyone around them.  They empower and motivate their teams to develop a deep sense of personal

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What is the cost of team dysfunction?

Following the last two inspirational emails we’ve shared in February around Developing Winning Teams (in case you missed them, click here to view them) we’ve had a good number of enquires from people about how you identify dysfunctions within the team. We covered this before but some of you may have missed it.  Check out the free report within the email below.

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Master the Essentials: Conflict Management

Carrying on our topic from last week, “Developing Winning Teams”, a key part of becoming a high-performing team is managing conflict within the team. And, as someone who’ll be working hard to improve business performance and results, you’ll know how important it is to at best eliminate conflicts or at least manage conflicts between individuals or teams effectively. Our 58

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Create high-performing teams in every part of your organisation

We all love to win and being part of a winning team can make work feel so much more rewarding, but so few know how to get there…and stay there! This month our inspirational emails will be covering the theme of “Developing Winning Teams” and what a high-performing team looks like and more importantly … how to make it happen!

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7 signs you have a great culture

It doesn’t matter how much money you make, or what perks come with your job, is it really worth it when you work in a negative culture that makes you miserable? You may love your role and the industry you’re in, but you also need to make sure you love the company you work for – a company with a

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The signs that it’s time for an upgrade to your culture

Every organisation with more than 3 people in it has a culture…and studies show that, once the business model has been shown to work, the culture is the most important factor in its success – or otherwise. The last few years have shown us that all companies need to have a culture of being able to manage change successfully. All leaders

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How to spot the early signs that you have a business culture that’s not helping you to achieve or exceed your objectives for the year

Welcome back and we hope that 2022 will be all you want and need it to be! In the month of January, we’ll be sharing with you some priceless insights into the importance and positive impact one of our specialisms – the “Creating Positive Cultures” one – can have on maximising performance, team spirit, employee and customer loyalty and results in

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Changing Behaviours

Behind everything you (and your people) do –  your (and their) thinking is actually driving it. So, if you (and your people) want to positively change your lives, your performance, your customer satisfaction, your health etc … you (and they) need to change your (and their) thinking. Believe you me, nothing else produces long term, automatic change. Imagine you are riding

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Embrace the fact that there is probably a better way to engage others to change

The best definition of insanity we’ve ever come across is ‘doing the same old things over and over again, hoping for different results’. If what you are doing to achieve your objectives isn’t working, then you need to change what you’re doing. It’s sad to see how many organisations we’ve met within recent months who are really struggling to get business

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