Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

The top 10 tell-tale signs of a bad boss

Let’s face it; we’ve all seen and experienced bad bosses. There are the ones that bully, the ones that only care about themselves and their own career, the cowards that hide behind others, or the ones that drive you mad by telling you how to do your job in the tiniest level of detail. Seeing bad bosses in action can

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Four actions that prevent procrastination

So many managers seem to be quite poor at making the right decisions or being good at problem-solving. These are the basics of good management. If managers can’t master these they’ll never be able to master the job of managing – i.e. producing improved performance and terrific results. We speak to a lot of managers and their teams about the

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The fundamental principles and practices of leadership

The most fundamental role of a successful leader, in business, is to authentically win the hearts and minds of their people so that they willingly change their behaviour and performance to exceed objectives – and to make sure that everyone is pulling in the same direction. The more we help businesses transform their performance and results, the more we realise

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The 9 things great leaders say every day … how many do you say?

You may be great at grinding out good results month in, month out – year in, year out. However, great leaders build momentum … they have solid strategies, business plans and measurements … and they also have “something else”. This “something else” sets them apart – they have a vocabulary that ignites passion in people … they say things that build

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Proper Culture Change – Three Level Approach

If you’re not applying the ‘three level approach’ you and your organisation may not be reaching your full potential. Find out the secrets to creating and managing a successful culture change programme. Get your free copy of our eReport: ‘8 Steps to Implementing Change Powerfully and Successfully’. Simply fill in the form below. * indicates required Email Address * First Name

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The Art of Leadership

A leader is someone who can take a group of people to a place they themselves don’t think they can go. At the end of the day, the Art of Leadership is all about giving people the direction they can believe in and showing them the value of playing their full part in making it happen. In other words, it’s

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Champions do extra

The Sewells Team has been inspired by the book: “Legacy”, by James Kerr. In this week’s inspirational email, we recounted the amazing story of the All Blacks’ Buck Shelford and his breath-taking determination and drive to continue playing despite facing unimaginable injury during a crucial, highly charged match against France in 1986. In another inspirational tale, from the same book, we learn

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