Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

England Rugby: It’s only a game – NOT!

Whether you follow rugby or not … you’d have to be impressed with the way Eddie Jones, the coach, has transformed performance and results. Winning the Grand Slam  –  and, for the first time, achieving a series win in Australia  –   with more or less the same squad who were humiliated in November at their own World Cup by failing

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Are you looking in the wrong place for business improvements?

Every business we ever speak with is looking for some kind of business improvement  –  or lots of kinds! When we have discussions with the Board of Directors and/or Senior Leadership Teams we ask where they’ve been looking for the solutions. The usual answers are system and process improvements, productivity and quality projects and the like. When we ask them

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4 ways to strengthen internal communication

As a leader you’ll know that internal communication between teams and departments is important for any organisation to function effectively. However, a recent survey found that the one mistake organisations make the most in managing their employees … is a lack of communication between employees and management. The way we’ve helped improve our clients’ internal communication has also had a

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5 ways successful companies retain talent

You’ll probably know 78% of business leaders rank employee retention as a critical business indicator? What might come as a surprise is that nearly 33% of talent leave their job within the first six months. Great companies know how to attract talent … it’s the really successful companies, however, that know how to attract and retain it. Discovering the steps

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Leadership: The “poisonous” traits that could be infecting your organisation

Just because someone is in a position of leadership doesn’t automatically make them a leader. Believe it or not establishing whether your organisation’s leaders are “authentic” leaders or “poisonous” leaders is surprisingly simple …  “authentic” leaders deliver on their commitments, they communicate brilliantly and they achieve “out of this world” results … “poisonous” leaders, on the other hand, are more difficult to spot … They don’t “champion” the company vision Does

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Do you want to achieve real business results?

We’ve just completed reviews with some of our clients on the culture change/business development work we delivered for them in 2015. The positive impact has been game changing for them all. Results Achieved: As a result of our work with an organisation in the global automotive sector had seen gross profit up by 17% Another organisation had seen a 36.5%

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The difference between successful and unsuccessful people

It’s a natural human aspiration to want to be more successful. No matter what an individual’s “version” of success is, there are certain characteristics that determine whether people are going to be successful   –  or unsuccessful. We’ve boiled down these characteristics into a simple to apply format of what to do: In order to be successful In order to avoid

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Working in different cultures – useful phrases and their translation

Having worked extensively on global or pan-European business improvement programmes for many organisations, we learned some important differences from what’s said by the British  –  and what’s meant and what’s understood by other cultures. Can you relate to/recognise some of these? Of course you can! Effective and unambiguous communication is a key element of a strong “unstoppable”, “bring it on”

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The #1 reason sales objectives are missed

Achieving or exceeding stretching sales targets (whilst maintaining gross profit) seems to be beyond most organisations these days. Most sales managers and sales people blame the internet, the product offering or the price. However, the reason for this state of affairs couldn’t be any simpler, but organisations are looking in the wrong places to fix the problem: “We need better

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