Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

The 10 most common forms of dysfunction of a team

How many of these can you and your team relate to? If you think you need our help, you might want to get in touch! Ongoing turf wars In the ideal professional world, all co-workers get along. But in reality, it’s not uncommon for colleagues to dislike each other. Arguments, rifts and mean-spirited rivalries may follow. And in the worst

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The top 3 ways of exceeding business objectives in 2018

There are 3 guaranteed ways of making sure you achieve, or exceed, all your business objectives in 2018. They are: Fix the culture – get everyone 100% “on board” Fix the culture – create leaders who can achieve! Fix the culture – develop an “unstoppability” factor The focus is so wrong in many business plans and strategies. For instance, many

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Why do organisations make significant business improvement so difficult?

Question: How do you spot a business leader, at a party, who is struggling to make the much needed changes to significantly improve performance? Answer: They’re the one asleep in the corner… exhausted! It’s those long hours, seven-day weeks and daily hassles that seem to make little or no difference to results, team working, or the customer experience. It doesn’t

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Leading with absolute belief

Our experience shows that many leaders seem to spend a lot of time wishing. They wish they were taller, richer, and smarter. They wish their businesses were more successful, their teams more productive, their customers more loyal. But what would it be like if they could change their wishes to belief, total and absolute belief (i.e. a powerful “knowing” ahead

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What organisations are doing wrong!

Miscalculating the “starting point  a.Too many leadership development initiatives we come across rest on the assumption that “one size fits all” and that the same group of skills, or style of leadership, is appropriate regardless of where the “starting point” is for the leadership population. b.No “diagnostics” are completed to determine the issues, challenges and opportunities people in the organisation

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What drives a positive culture in an organisation?

Let me first tell you what doesn’t … pay and rations, “bean bag” relaxation rooms, dress down days, “homemade cake eating” Fridays, etc. … Culture is not to be trifled with (no pun intended!) … it’s the key to hard driving and much needed, if not critical, sustainable business improvement. Culture is the single biggest factor in delivering the outcomes

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The signs your business culture is toxic … and needs fixing now!

The culture in your business, it turns out, is the most accurate predictor of it producing sustainable and optimal performance and results. There are tell-tale signs that the culture is probably toxic and urgently needs changing to avoid the business running into trouble not too far down the track. Apart from the obvious ones like:- A ruck of good people

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Is this true for your team?

Just because we’re doing a lot more, it doesn’t mean we’re getting a lot more done! It can be hard to be a leader in today’s hurried and constantly changing business workplace. A leader is pulled from pillar to post, working all the hours God sends and is expected to know everything, be everything and do everything, all at the

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