Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Getting People to Believe in Themselves

The best leaders are those who get people to believe in themselves.   When people believe in themselves and, in what you, as an organisation, are all about, they have a reason to commit to something significant and meaningful … and give the best they’ve got .. day in, day out.   When people feel inspired by their leader, and

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Creating a Culture of “Getting Things Done”

If strategy is identifying how to achieve/exceed objectives, execution is all about making it happen.   It’s the follow through. The next step. The primary elements of successful companies are: Clear goals for everybody within the company that deliver the general strategy A method of measuring development towards those goals on a daily basis Clear responsibility, ownership and accountability for that

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Can Sewells Improve your Business Performance? …. The answer is YES!

Now, what outcomes do you want to see? Whether you’re looking to eradicate team team dysfunction, achieve amazing levels of customer service or find the secret to making more profitable sales …. the business improvement you’re looking for is very much within your reach. We provide the best-designed, most reliable business improvement solutions at competitive value for money prices. Our track record in terms of

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Is this true for your Sales Department?

Recent research has shown the following (click on the picture to enlarge):- How do you compare? Are you that different?   These research findings show that sales performance is not being optimised. However, while the above are BIG barriers to optimal performance … the BIGGEST barriers are not in processes, systems and resources … they are in the mind-sets and

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The key to successfully embedding change? It’s all about LEADERSHIP

It takes a whole team of people to create a great company – one that is nimble, adept at making necessary changes, exceeding objectives and one that leaves its competitors standing. However, it only takes a few managers who are poor at successfully managing those business critical changes into the business, before you run the risk of taking the whole

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At last, real help for leaders

When we begin our careers, we’re often very ineffective as leaders. The big problem quite often is wanting to please everybody.  Making people happy and getting them to like us, as bosses, is the most important thing to so many of us. The bottom line is that, in our early years, we lack the confidence and courage to make the

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Is it time to stop flogging a dead horse?

Are you getting the business results you hoped for? The best definition of insanity we’ve ever come across is doing the same old things over and over again, hoping for different results. If what you’re doing to achieve your goals isn’t working, a new, dynamic, tried and tested approach is required to guarantee success. However, many organisations are just not

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A Tale of Two Companies

In January 2008, we won a contract with a new client to deliver a sales and sales management programme for 60 sales people and 10 sales managers. In February 2008, we lost out to a “competitor” to deliver a similar size sales and sales management programme for another new client. Apparently, they were offering “more or less the same”, but

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How to develop genuine ownership and accountability in the workplace

In 2017, we noticed an increasing frustration among leaders and managers because of a significant lack of ownership and accountability from their employees. Without ownership and accountability, operational excellence (i.e. execution, performance and results) suffers. Taking ownership, as a minimum, means that if we recognise certain things are material to achieving desired results, we take the initiative to bring it

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