Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

The Signs That It’s Time for an Upgrade to your Culture

Every organisation with more than 3 people in it has a culture…and studies show that the culture is the most important factor in its success – or otherwise. All companies need to go through change. All great leaders have to learn how to lead and deliver change in order to remain competitive and relevant in their given fields. They also

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You’re already way ahead of most leaders in business

Yes …you really are… …Why is that? Because you’re looking: looking for advice  …  looking for answers  …  looking for improvement – not just from yourself but from your teams and from your business’s performance as a whole. I know you’re way ahead of most leaders in business because you wouldn’t be reading this otherwise. You see, most leaders don’t

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Do you have any idea how bad we are at managing and prioritising our time!?

Do you have any idea of just how bad we all are at managing and prioritising our time?   Studies just pile up from entities ranging from LinkedIn, Gallup, SurveyMonkey and several others that show:-   41% of people’s “to do” list items are never completed 40% of people’s productivity is lost to “self-interruption” (not to mention interruptions from other

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Are most companies over-managed and under-led?

Our 53 year experience as the leading UK business improvement specialists seems to suggest managers abound in organisations – but leaders are lacking.   Managers tend to be “subject experts” who excel at processes and procedures – but who can’t and don’t connect with people.   To be effective in a leadership role, it requires an entirely different set of

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Managing Change in today’s organisations is not getting any easier (part 1)

For companies to survive and strive in today’s competitive environment, no longer is it enough just to manage change quickly and successfully  …  rather, it’s a core competence that can no longer be considered a discretionary “nice to have”.   Yet most organisations are falling short in the race to adapt. The accelerating pace of change, coupled with increasing uncertainty

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At last! The improvements in performance and results you need and want

It’s about doing simple things extraordinarily well! The simple things are those things which still work long after you’ve forgotten all the drama that went along with learning them in the first place … but how many have you put to one side and don’t use anymore? For example, publishers make over 90% of their profit from books they published

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Leading Through Change

Discover our new powerful and dynamic two-day workshop that increases professional effectiveness and success. “Leading Through Change” will guide you through tried, tested and trusted, step-by-step strategies that are simple to apply and will allow you to master change successfully and ultimately have the competitive advantage. Click here to find out more information.

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The characteristics of terrific employees (part 2)

They never (publicly) complain. The ability to complain privately or bring up a complaint in a positive and professional way that provides a path to a solution is one very important top employee trait. These are the kinds of employees who discuss delicate issues in a professional and private manner.   They know when to “rein back”. While overt quirkiness

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