Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Unlocking the passion in your people

If you’re looking for record results in 2019 and performance improvements from all areas of the organisation … look no further than developing your managers and leaders to be able to unlock the passion in your people.   Passion, when unlocked in people, becomes an unstoppable force that drives creativity, creates a determination to succeed (and do whatever it takes

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Just what you want/need

In a recent meeting where we’d got some of our prospective clients together to discuss how we could work with each other in the future, a disturbing message was delivered to us at Sewells. The consensus was, “We’re not sure what you, as a company, do!” It was like a dagger going into the heart for our marketing team.  They know

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The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire!!

Let’s cut to the quick; we help you embed truly inspirational, day-to-day leadership skills in your managers so they can motivate their teams to perform at levels never seen before. What better initiative could you introduce in 2019? What impact would it have on your results? We can tell you … it would be SENSATIONAL!   We build this around

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Is this you?

In the last six months of 2018 we’ve been inundated with enquiries for our world-renowned business improvement programmes.   These enquiries have ranged from delivering profitable sales growth, inspirational leadership to motivate and inspire passion in teams, building an “unstoppable” culture to improve performance, making “dysfunctional” teams “function” again etc…   The frustrating thing from our point of view is that many of these enquiries

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Some reflections on 2018 by Sewells Chairman, Dr William Holden

We, like you, have been reflecting on how things have gone in 2018 … it’s a natural and normal thing to do at this time of the year.   How has your organisation fared? How would you score what you and your organisation have achieved in 2018?   It’s a time of reflection and resolution, a time of looking backwards

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How to encourage your employees to take leadership roles

Every organisation needs strong leadership at the top. That’s obvious, but it’s also not enough: leaders are needed throughout the company, in every area and at every level.   When you have people with leadership potential in roles where they can make important decisions, be innovative in order to achieve goals and reach targets and feed the bottom line, you’ll

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In business there is usually never a “good time” for anything

Yesterday I thought I’d been stood up by a potential new, large client.   I was sitting in a hotel reception, waiting to meet him … and he finally showed up … wait for it … 58 minutes late!   As it turns out his car had broken down, but not because of something unpredictable, like a puncture or something

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