Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

At last! The improvements in performance and results you need and want – guaranteed!

It’s 29 years yesterday since I took over the running of Sewells. We’ve learned a lot about how to help our clients to dramatically improve their business performance over that time. Probably the biggest thing we’ve learned is that success in business isn’t about doing extraordinary things …. it is about doing the simple things extraordinarily well. The “simple things” are those which still

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The cost of making managers “accountable”

When we, at Sewells, as part of our world renowned business improvement programmes ask senior leaders what changes they’d like to see as outcomes, it’s often, “for our managers to be more accountable and responsible for their results”. There is a huge problem with linking those two things together … because, philosophically and practically, they are worlds apart.    

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Leading (and achieving) with absolute belief

Our 55 years’ experience in helping businesses improve show that many leaders seem to spend a lot of time wishing. They wish they were slimmer and fitter, richer and smarter. They wish their businesses were more successful, their teams more productive, their customers more loyal. But what would it be like if they could change their wishes to belief, total

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Employees don’t leave Companies, they leave Managers

A recent Gallup poll of more than one million workers concluded that the No. 1 reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss, or immediate supervisor. We’ve learned that 75% of workers who voluntarily leave their jobs do so because of their bosses and not the position, the role itself or the company. Never mind how good, well paid,

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What is the cost of team dysfunction?

Every workplace team has some degree of dysfunction. But the dysfunctions in any team, in any form and to any degree – whether it’s having a blame culture, a lack of trust, or paying lip service to landing the new changes that will improve performance – come at a cost. At its best, it could be keeping organisations from exceeding

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Creating a Culture of “Getting Things Done”

If strategy is identifying how to achieve/exceed objectives, implementation is all about making it happen. It’s the follow through. Implementation is where the treasure lies – and it’s the biggest gap in any business improvement programme. The primary elements of successful companies are: Clear goals for everybody within the company that deliver the general strategy A method of measuring development

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Is it time to stop flogging a dead horse?

Are you getting the business results you hoped for in 2019?  Are you “future-proofing” your business with the improvements you’re making? The best definition of insanity we’ve ever come across is doing the same old things over and over again, hoping for different results. If what you’re doing to achieve your goals isn’t working, a new, dynamic, tried and tested

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Leading, without building trust, will destroy you!

How many so called “leaders” do we know / have we known who:-   Come down on people like a ton of bricks if they don’t keep regular office hours … and then announce they’ll be “working from home for the next two days”? Freeze salaries and make redundancies and then take delivery of a swanky new company car or

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