Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Struggling to reach your sales targets? This could be the reason …..

Recently, a Sales Director asked us for some advice about improving her company’s sales volumes, margins and customer experience and retention. They had robust sales processes, their sales managers were good at coaching, mentoring and supporting their salespeople, and their salespeople themselves were meeting lots of prospective clients. They were reaching their sales targets but really only just; she felt

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So, what IS the secret to making more (profitable) sales?

So, what’s the secret to making more (profitable) sales? It’s AARDER that will make it easier … A = Attitude: Developing an expectant and positive attitude and an infectious enthusiasm is the foundation from which everything else flows. Without it sales people and sales managers should stay at home. A = Actions: Consistent and effective actions are required to maximise

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You shouldn’t be managing change … you should be leading and inspiring it!

The very term “managing change” suggests the approaches most organisations take are inherently wrong. It infers it’s a tug of war. It implies people are being “dragged through the hedges” kicking and screaming … and all too often that’s what happens. Staff are frustrated that managers don’t lead the change, they just “issue instructions”  –   and managers are frustrated

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Change is the constant … speed is the variable

“How many times do we have to explain why this change and improvement is necessary?  Everyone tells me they understand … but as soon as my back is turned, they continue like nothing has happened!”   It is really worrying how many organisations we’ve met within recent months who are struggling to get business critical changes and improvements embedded into their

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What drives a positive culture in an organisation?

Let us first tell you what doesn’t … pay and rations, “bean bag” relaxation rooms, dress down days, “homemade cake eating” Fridays, etc. … Culture is not to be trifled with (no pun intended!) … it’s the key to hard driving and much needed, if not critical, sustainable business improvement. Culture is the single biggest factor in delivering the key

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A gift for you for 2020: 10 tips for creating world class customer experience

We’re not “telling tales” out of school here when we say 66% of UK consumers believe the customer experience has deteriorated over the past three years and 81% of customers would be willing to pay more in order to receive good, or great, customer experiences.   As 2020 fast approaches can you confidently say you have created, and consistently delivered,

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