Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Six Leadership Styles by Daniel Goleman

None of the six leadership styles by Daniel Goleman are right or wrong – each may be appropriate depending on the specific context. Whilst one of the more empathetic styles is most likely to be needed to build long-term commitment, there will be occasions when a commanding style may need to be called upon, for example, when a rapid and

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Top 10 reasons for resistance to change

Below are our 10 reasons for resistance to change. Can you relate to these within your organisation? Misunderstanding about the need for change/when the reason for the change is unclear — If people do not understand the need for change you can expect resistance. Especially from those who strongly believe the current way of doing things works well … and

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Whatever your business… our ‘stuff’ works every time!

This weekend, I got a text from a Chief Executive who attended one of our leadership programmes a number of years ago: I also spoke to the Managing Director of a manufacturer we helped during the teeth of the recession … they’ve just recorded a £3.8 million profit in their most recent fiscal year. Before we started working with them

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Your pathway to success starts with 6 key beliefs

These are our 6 key beliefs that form your pathway to success. 1. Time doesn’t fill me… I fill time. Average people allow time to impose its own will on them; successful people impose their will on their time. 2. The people around me are the people I chose. Some of your employees drive you nuts. Some of your customers

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5 crucial skills needed to be successful at work

Here’s our 5 crucial skills to help you be successful at work. 1. The ability to relate to others Having the ability to relate to others and their position or viewpoint is crucial in business. By having a well-rounded personality and set of experiences, it’s usually possible to relate to almost anyone. Sometimes being able to relate to others simply

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The 6 key elements that determine business success (or failure)

1. The inspiring leadership and communication skills required to ignite a passion and urgency to make critical changes stick are missing How can leaders lead if they don’t know where they’re going themselves … and how can followers follow? 2. Executing strategies well Most companies think they do this well … THEY DON’T! 3. Clarity is crucial to executing strategies

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The top 10 reasons your talent will leave you

As a leader responsible for producing great results … year in, year out … you need to be aware that results are inextricably linked to your culture. In fact, your results can only be as good as your culture allows them to be. Why? Because your culture seeps into the DNA of your people – the ones who produce the

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15 things that “bad bosses” say!

Our research is telling us that holding on to good people is going to be a key strategic deliverable to create profitable growth in 2014. Our research is also telling us that good people will leave bad bosses, who say and do bad things, IN A HEARTBEAT. If any of the following have become a regular part of your bosses’

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The 5 basic talents of ‘brilliant’ managers

We’ve just concluded a meeting with a client we started work with last year … we ran a “How to be a Great Manager” programme for them. Sales this year over last year are up more than 60%, and profits are up by over 110%. The market hasn’t changed, the competitors are as ferocious as ever, the people in the

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