Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

“Leading Positive Change” – Step 3

Following the even bigger response to the “Leading Positive Change” Step 2 Inspirational Email over Step 1 (click here for Steps 1 & 2) this week’s message covers Step 3 for Senior Managers and Directors to follow. The “vision” is 100% bought into by everyone in the Senior Team … the ability to challenge and change contrary attitudes and behaviours

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“Leading Positive Change” – Step 2

Following the huge response to last week’s Inspirational email on “Leading Positive Change  –  Step 1” here’s the eagerly awaited Step 2 … Once everyone in the Senior Team is 100% on board with doing whatever it takes to turn the new vision into a reality … do each of them personally challenge and take responsibility for changing it whenever

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“Leading Positive Change” – Step 1

As a Director, or Senior Manager, you have a pivotal role in leading the way for positive change to take place in your organisation. The new direction has been set, the strategies agreed, objectives determined …  and the implementation is underway. There’s an expectation from the majority of employees that transformation is going to happen. Keeping your people focused on

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Are you managing change? … if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

Are you managing change? a note of caution for those in the process of managing change and implementing new strategies or procedures … you may believe that the good stuff you think you are doing will be welcomed. However, your people (the profit generators and the customer loyalty generators) may not perceive it in the same way as you! You

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Great leaders always have more great leaders behind them

You can always spot a great leader, not by the way they conduct themselves, or their first rate forward thinking, but simply by observing the long line of up and coming leaders following behind them. In the words of John Quincy Adams: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a

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What’s killing your sales growth?

These sales statistics may come as a surprise, but they are the shocking truth that many salespeople and sales managers, don’t know or refuse to believe.     If you and your people are not achieving what you should, let us help you to understand why and put GUARANTEED mechanisms in place to change that.

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Budgeting and planning for success

It seems that time of year has crept up on us again and the responsibility of formulating and “fine tuning” budgets is weighing heavily on the shoulders of all the Senior Managers and Directors out there. Some would say planning the 2016 budget, and adhering to it, so it can be easily monitored and maintained, is quite simple … it’s

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5 traits successful leaders never tolerate

Having worked with effective and inspirational leaders all over the world … we’ve discovered there are five key traits never tolerated by any of them. As a result they consistently build great teams, producing levels of performance and sustainably improved results that are the envy of their industries. They don’t achieve these results by accident, they achieve them by design

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Are you a sorcerer?

Some people are brilliant at reflecting any light that falls on them. This light may be in the form of instructions, directions, or available resources … they then channel the energy where it needs to be focused. This is a really valuable skill – and can produce great performance and results within a team. What is even more valuable, however,

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