Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Please stop with “I’m too busy”

We’re all just so “busy” these days. “Buried”, “slaves to the machine”, “trying to keep our heads above water” etc. … In fact, most managers are so “busy” doing stuff … they never have time to learn how to become masters at being in control. When managers say they’re “busy” this is what we’ve learned they mean: – I’m busy

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How To Lead Change Brilliantly

In business these days, change is constant, and change can be difficult … so, speed is the key to gaining the maximum competitive advantage by creating significant business improvements across all areas of the organisation. There’s a right and a wrong way to implement and embed business critical changes. It’ll come as no surprise that most organisations tend to do

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Why most leadership development programmes are probably a waste of time and money

Leadership Development is a huge business, but most of it is a waste of time and money. In small, medium and large businesses leadership development seems to be the rage these days. Most organisations are engaged in some sort of leadership, change management, or culture change development programme. These organisations are desperate to maximise the effectiveness of their programmes. Here’s

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Is this the highest ROI for any business?

Most organisations are over managed and under led. Subject experts abound – and true leaders are thin on the ground. Which is probably why you feel powerless sometimes … and not in control. When it comes to leadership development, you need something that works, from an organisation with a world class track record – that is not only different –

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A few things not to miss out on this September

As someone who is working hard at improving business performance and results, you will know how important it is to effectively manage the conflicts that arise between individuals and departments. Conflicts waste a lot of energy and creativity … so … how should they be managed? There are only 4 options for managing conflicts … some are effective and positive,

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The Top 10 Reasons People Resist Change

One of the biggest reasons that business executives are kept awake at night is the slowness of the organisation to adapt to much needed change. It’s a well-known fact that over 80% of change initiatives fail (or fail to deliver anything like the expected outcomes). It’s a strange fact that no one, except for Sewells, seems to have: figured out

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Dr Will Holden will take to the stage at AM and IMI People Conference

Taking to the stage at this year’s AM People Conference, hosted in partnership with the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI), Dr Will Holden will deliver a lesson in creating a culture which fosters high performing, inspirational and unstoppable team players on the 19th September 2017 at Whittlebury Hall and Spa, Whittlebury, Near Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 8QH. The conference helps automotive executives strip

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Knowledge is NOT power; knowing how to use it effectively IS!

Most efforts at significant personal improvement fail. The result? Other than no improvements being seen … that person might lose self-confidence, self-esteem and belief in the fact that positive change is possible. As such, they are less likely to try any change in the future … because they now believe “it’s not for them”. What’s more, other people, especially Managers,

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What do you think the most dangerous words in business are …?

You told us they are: “We’ve always done it that way.”   As business leaders everywhere try to make changes to improve performance, operational excellence, customer handling, cost control, profitability, etc., they tell us that their biggest frustration is getting anyone who is resistant to change to come to understand that the pace of change is only going to continue

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