Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

What Was Once Ugly is Now Beautiful. What Could Once Only Crawl Can Now Soar!

Too many organisations, now more than ever, seem to be wasting time and money trying to tinker with repairing their people’s old behaviours, attitudes and habits in order to embrace the current unprecedented challenges they face. It’s such a waste when deep seated change is what is required to deliver sustained sales growth, increased margins, inspiring leadership, amazing customer experience,

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People with Knowledge Talk, People with Wisdom Listen!

Our latest survey reveals that sales people are still not making prospective buyers feel valued and respected – and this is mainly because:- 1) They’re not very good at relaxing and being friendly – knowledgeable yes, friendly no! 2) They’re not very good at listening – talking yes, listening no! (which these days is more important than ever with using

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Do You All Look, Sound and Behave the Same?

Do you stand out from your competitors? Not in terms of your products, your showrooms, your brochures and advertising. Do your customer facing people stand out? Do they help differentiate your brand in a positive way? To win customers, beat competitors, attract referrals, build brand loyalty and grow sales and profits – your customer facing people need to stand out

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How to acquire new customers and smash your sales and profit targets

Do you find that your salespeople tell you that your prospects are only focused on the price of your products and services and they’re often under pressure to give them discounts? They’ve told you that they’ve explained to your prospects in so much detail about all the great value they will receive but they just don’t seem to get it.

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How to thrive in 2021 not just survive!

We’ve had an overwhelmingly positive response to us introducing the BOUNCEBACKABILITY elements into all our world renowned business improvement programmes. With 2021 fast approaching we didn’t want you to miss out on making it the record recovery year you’ll want and need. In recent months organisations across all industries have suffered through the effects of Covid-19 and the weak and

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What are you feeding your people?

Are your people getting what they need from you to become fully engaged in these challenging times … so that they can give their best – day in, day out, even if they aren’t able to physically meet up with their teams? Here’s a great story… A woman bought a parrot, took him home and then returned him to the

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The strength of your teams

The strength of your teams will determine the size and speed of your recovery … be under no illusions about how true that is. And it all starts at the top with your Senior Leadership Team and then it percolates and saturates every other team in your organisation. The current reality is that most so called Senior Leadership Teams are

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Better people make your business BOUNCEBACKABILITY better

“How can we quickly recover from Lockdown 2?” is probably the question we, at Sewells, get asked the most.  Your people are the answer. Research has shown that when you develop individuals in your team you give them the tools, skills, character and confidence needed to contribute beyond just doing the job.  Getting them involved in creating a new, vibrant

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How to be a great manager in times of change

We’ve just concluded a meeting with a client we’ve been working with .. we ran a bespoke management development programme for them. Sales in Q3 this year over last year – yes, even with the Covid-19 goings on – are up over 30% and profits are up over 51%. The route to market has changed somewhat, the competitors are as

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