The characteristics of terrific employees (part 2)
They never (publicly) complain. The ability to complain privately or bring up a complaint in a positive and professional way that provides a path to a solution is one very important top employee trait. These are the kinds of employees who discuss delicate issues in a professional and private manner. They know when to […]
The characteristics of terrific employees (part 1)
They work for the greater good. They really “get” the vision and direction – and how to play their full part in making it “come alive”. Great employees aren’t just team players; they have a deep understanding of how their team plays best. They have the ability to adapt their work styles for the greater […]
How effective a Leader are you and your team?
Of course you’re working hard to create employees who are motivated and send results “ballistic” on a consistent basis – who wouldn’t be?! The key to achieving this is not motivation; it goes beyond that … the key is inspiration! Your Senior Leadership Team might technically be very good at what they do (i.e. subject experts), […]
Are you a terrible manager?
It has always amazed us how many terrible managers there are in the workplace. This isn’t something new; it’s been this way for as long as we can remember. Sadly, these ineffective managers rarely get identified in a timely manner by senior management. This means terrible managers don’t get properly trained, or removed. The consequence is […]
So what’s it like on Jupiter?
A gold medal winning Olympic athlete is going to do poorly competing in the high jump on Jupiter. The reason? Gravity is two and a half times that of Earth’s which means … you’re just not going to jump very well. Contrast this to our moon, which gives you a huge advantage … because you’d […]
The solution to all the significant business challenges you can’t fix
Beliefs. It’s as simple as that … not easy … simple! You believe certain things … your team believe other things. You believe the new direction will energise and motivate your team … they believe the old direction was better. You believe your new strategies will kick start a sustainable growth track, your team don’t. […]
What successful companies do…
Any company can be beset by change, and at any time. This can be because of competitor activity, staff turnover, financial challenges, upheaval following a re-structure … take your pick … the list is long, you’ll probably be able to come up with about 50 of your own reasons given a few minutes to think […]