Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Why culture eats strategy for breakfast

I’ve come to realise that none of the organisations that we have worked with have remained the same over the 25 years I have been running this business. Each one of them has changed in one way or another. Some have ignored our advice and gone bust, some have struggled, others have been steady and a good many have positively

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Is yours a thriving, dynamic work environment?

Many organisations struggle to make the necessary changes to keep ahead of stretching growth ambitions. Leaders and managers are getting increasingly frustrated when new processes or systems are introduced  –  but then fail to make the anticipated improvements in performance or results. Our research shows the biggest barrier is that people get stuck in the belief that they will only

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What do employees want from their managers?

Research shows that since 2000 less than one third of employees are engaged in their jobs in any given year. It’s been consistent year on year, so it’s nothing to do with the financial crashes around 2007/2008. Engaged employees are defined as those “who are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace.” So, why is it

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3 reasons why 2016 may not be your breakthrough year …

You only need two dots on a graph, and you’ve got a trend! So, after the results in January and February, are you ahead of your targets? Are you in all areas of the business, leads, appointments, pipeline, orders, customer satisfaction, gross profit etc …, where you want or need to be? Can you say with certainty that 2016 will

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How can you guarantee explosive growth in two hours

If you could discover the  ‘magic ingredient’ – the one nearly everyone misses – to give your organisation explosive growth for years to come … what would you say? Find out how at Sewells’ “High Impact Breakfast Seminar” on  Wednesday 18th May 2016 at BDO’s Global Head office in London. Hosted by Dr William Holden, Chairman of Sewells and best-selling author

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Why most internal leadership programmes don’t work

A recent survey of 7,500 executives revealed that 55% deemed the benefits of their companies’ Leadership programme to be “fair”, down to “poor”! These programmes are in danger of damaging the companies’ performance and results  –  when they’re designed to be driving strategy and achieving sustainable, long term growth. Surveyed are :- They lacked connection to the strategic needs of

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Dynamic leadership: What really matters?

Solving problems effectively This is the process that precedes decision making, when information is gathered, analysed, and considered. This is deceptively difficult to get right, yet it is a key input into decision making for major issues (such as M&A) as well as daily ones (such as how to handle a team dispute). Operating with a strong results orientation  Leadership

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What is missing for people to be successful …

In business, success in achieving anything follows a process. In fact everything in this universe follows a process for success to happen. People need to be supported, encouraged and motivated to make progress, by their managers (and team mates). However, we’ve noticed more than ever the key ingredient that guarantees success in business is missing.  Without this key ingredient brilliant

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Want more profitable sales? Read on!

We had an interesting discussion the other day with the Sales Director of a large, well known global brand. They’re renown for launching new products into a competitive marketplace. Some of their recent product launches have produced results much poorer than expected. His solution to the problem was to deliver better product knowledge workshops. “Product knowledge is what it’s all

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