Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Master the Fundamentals: Don’t do fads, tricks or gimmicks

After 52 years of helping organisations improve performance, it breaks all our hearts, at Sewells, when prospective clients get duped into “investing” in the latest short-cut, trick, or gimmick. Organisations lose time, money, credibility – and the trust of their people  –  when the latest fad fails to deliver anything like what is promised. If you want sustainable growth that

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Master the Fundamentals: Develop the right people in the right way

You’ll probably know that middle managers, supervisors and team leaders have a bigger impact on productivity and improving performance than top management. But … you wouldn’t think so if you look at the way they’re treated. In fact, they don’t get much support at all … not even training. When they got promoted, they were probably a good, individual contributor

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Master the Fundamentals: Leadership

Do you spend a lot of time thinking: “why is my business/department not performing as it should?”, “my team are not giving it their best”, “the new initiatives/strategies aren’t taking root”, “our growth in revenue/profits is too slow”?, “why are the necessary changes so hard to implement and embed”? Well we have the answer to maybe why. Having Manager, Director,

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Personal Development: Being The Best

Do you have what it takes to be the best in 2018? What are the characteristics common to successful people … the achievers and doers – the ones who find ways to become the very best at everything they do? Would you pass the “Best” test? Consider the following 6 questions to discover whether you’ve got what it takes to

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Master the Fundamentals: Managing attitudes and mind-sets

Our research shows that the biggest barrier to achieving sustainable and improved performance and results is not one of processes, systems and resources  –  it’s the attitude (and mind-set) of the people involved. If we can’t win the hearts and minds of the people involved in driving positive changes in the organisation, it’s highly unlikely it’ll happen in practice. People

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Master the Fundamentals: The 5 biggest barriers to performance improvements

Our research shows that there are 5 big, and common, barriers that stop organisations sustainably improving performance to anything like the levels they desire. These barriers are inextricably linked to not being able to create the kind of dynamic and unstoppable culture that makes performance improvements inevitable. In fact, just over 10% of employees believe their organisation is effective at

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Master the Fundamentals: budget for the missing “key ingredient”

2016 has flown by and that time of year has crept up on us again where the responsibility of formulating and “fine tuning” budgets for 2017 might be weighing heavily … as a Senior Leader … upon your shoulders. You may focus on sales forecasts, new product developments, growing market share strategies and initiatives for streamlining processes. However, our clients

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What the Paralympics can teach us

Whilst the achievement of Team GB at the Rio Olympics was truly breath-taking – the achievement of Team GB at the Paralympics, believe it or not, exceeded it. The performances are one thing, but the competitors stories of the adversities they’ve had to overcome are truly humbling. The courage and the bravery of individuals to not just accept the circumstances

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Master the Fundamentals: achieving outstanding performance … consistently

If you want 2017, and what we have left of 2016, to be your time to shine as a leader,  by delivering significant performance improvements, then you need to make sure you can … master the fundamentals. This simple and effective formula … once understood and applied, GUARANTEES success. This formula works with companies of all shapes and sizes –

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