Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

The six biggest challenges business leaders everywhere face

The life of a modern-day business leader is not an easy one. Inside their organisations they need to set the direction and clarify strategies, lead, align, engage and motivate a diverse group of people, work effectively across organisational boundaries, improve efficiency and achieve profitable growth. Outside, they face a complex and increasingly globalised environment, have to manage the requirements of

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Success when starting a new business … guaranteed.

We met with two people this week who’d started new businesses about 18 months ago … one who was thriving, one who’d just closed the business. Both businesses were in tough, competitive markets (which businesses aren’t?!). Both had solid expertise and experience – and lots of contacts in their respective industries. Both had a great business model – and a

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Business Improvement Vs Business Transformation

You, our clients and prospective clients, often get in touch with us to understand all the ways we, at Sewells, could help improve your business performance. We’re always delighted to help. However, after many a good discussion what is quickly realised is that it’s a business TRANSFORMATION that is needed and wanted!   Business Improvement Business Transformation Focuses on “fixing

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You shouldn’t be managing change … you should be inspiring it!

The very term “managing change” suggests the approaches most organisations take are inherently wrong. It infers it’s a tug of war. It implies people are being dragged through the hedges kicking and screaming. Employees are frustrated that managers don’t change  –   and managers are frustrated that employees don’t change … RESULT? Nothing, or very little, changes at all! Does this

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Every day in 2017 is a CHOOSEDAY

There are going to be very few certainties in 2017, but there’s one thing you can be certain of … and this is the only piece of advice you need to follow to make 2017 your best year ever. Whatever shows up in our outer world (good, or not so good), is always a reflection of what we think and

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Change Is The Constant … Speed Is The Variable

“How many times do we have to explain why this change is necessary? Everyone tells me they understand … but as soon as my back is turned, they continue like nothing has happened” It is really worrying how many organisations we’ve met within recent months, who are struggling to get business critical changes embedded into their day to day operations.

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Extraordinary achievement from ordinary people – the keys

Whether you’re a keen swimmer or sports enthusiast, or not, we can almost guarantee you’re familiar with the name Michael Phelps. However, you may not be familiar with another dominant swimmer: Katie Ledecky. She’s only 19 and, as she herself has said, there is nothing particularly special about her. Whereas Michael Phelps has a physique practically MADE for swimming, Katie

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Master the Essentials: Conflict Management

As someone who’s working hard at improving business performance and results, you’ll know how important it is to effectively manage conflicts between individuals or departments. Our 52 years experience at helping organisations to experience dramatic growth in revenues, profits, operational excellence and customer delight shows that leaders and managers are not very skilled at resolving conflicts. This is not because

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Master The Fundamentals: Delegation – A Lost Art?

You’d be truly amazed when leaders and managers in organisations, who are struggling to cope because of time pressures and the need to achieve or exceed targets, cannot, or will not, delegate. Firstly, what is delegation? It is where part of your own job is consciously passed to a member of your team whilst you retain accountability. So, what delegation

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