Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Most Popular Sewells Insights in 2017

This year we shared advice on how to achieve ballistic results in 2017 and beyond for your business. And while we’re not obsessed with clicks and eyeballs, it’s interesting to see what caught our audiences attention. Listed below are the year’s ten most popular pieces of Sewells inspirational thinking. Click on the images below and enjoy! The Signs That It’s

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How to be a great manager and a terrific leader

The staggering business improvements we, at Sewells, always help our clients to produce is mainly due to our ability to transition capable managers into brilliant leaders. There is a big difference between management and leadership. However, to be highly effective in driving positive change in any organisation is not a case of replacing good management with great leadership. The two

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The One Set Of Skills Nearly Every Leader Lacks

What makes a good business leader? The answers vary widely … and our 53+ years of experience tells us it’s one skill above all others that the really good business leaders possess that mediocre ones lack … and it’s people skills. We see business leaders with terrific commercial skills, analytical skills, problem solving skills, organisational development skills, etc. … but

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The Gift Of Self Confidence In 2018

With the new year approaching, organisations will be focusing on two things:- Having a really good finish to 2017 Getting off to a flying start in 2018 For most of you, next year’s business objectives and key plans for your organisation are already set and now the challenge is how you get everyone to play their FULL part in delivering

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Almost Every Time We Hear The Phrase ‘Employee Engagement’ …

Almost every time we hear the phrase ‘Employee Engagement’, we cringe … (a lot!). I know that’s a strange thing for us, at Sewells, to say, particularly for an organisation that spends so much of its time supporting organisations to improve their performance by developing people to the full and being focused on turning their vision into strong reality. It’s become

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Budgeting (and Planning) for Success Pt.2

Is responsibility for next year’s company’s budget weighing heavily on you? You may be focusing on sales forecasts, new product developments, growing market share strategies and initiatives for streamlining processes, but have you thought about the key element needed to deliver explosive growth for years to come? (which is … your people!) The truth is that objectives won’t be met,

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What Are The Characteristics Of A Successful Leader?

Do you possess the characteristics common to successful leaders, the ones who find ways to become the very best at everything they do? Do you know how to prioritise, set and execute your goals? Do you focus on building relationships? Do you strive for “good” or “best?” Do you welcome competition? Are you an optimist? Do you have a vision? Do

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Budgeting (and Planning) for Success Pt.1

It seems “that time of year” has crept up on us again and the responsibility for formulating and “fine-tuning” budgets is weighing heavily on the shoulders of all Senior Managers and Directors out there. Some would say planning their 2018 budget, and adhering to it, so it can be easily monitored and maintained, is quite simple … it’s achieving, or

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