Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Motivation is a daily doing, not just a slot at the annual conference

Motivation isn’t about getting people “fired up” by a “motivational speaker” at a one-off seminar or annual conference. Nor is it about selling the same ideal of success to everyone promising the world but really just trotting out the same old trite ideas like:-   Surround yourself with successful people! Get negativity out of your life! Give yourself permission to

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How Great Leaders Are Constantly Improving

You must have a level of discontent to feel the urge to want to improve. Self-improvement is part of the human experience; we all have things we’d like to change about ourselves. And every leader knows you have to constantly adapt and improve if you want to achieve greatness. Whatever you’re working toward, it’s important to constantly assess, evaluate and

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This is What Happens When You Build an “Unstoppable” Culture

Workplace culture and engagement seem to be at a definite ebb at the moment, if the findings of a recent engagement survey are anything to go by.  This survey suggested that nearly two thirds of employees felt their company didn’t have a strong or positive work culture, and nearly half said they weren’t satisfied with the way their manager works

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Four Toxic Words to Avoid

There’s a dangerous 4-word phrase that crops up when we have meetings with prospects to discuss how to dramatically improve their business performance and results.   It’s a toxic little statement that can cause a whole lot of problems.   I’ve heard senior managers, in all sorts of businesses, say these words and literally risk the growth and improvements they

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The Signs That It’s Time for an Upgrade to your Culture

Every organisation with more than 3 people in it has a culture…and studies show that the culture is the most important factor in its success – or otherwise. All companies need to go through change. All great leaders have to learn how to lead and deliver change in order to remain competitive and relevant in their given fields. They also

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The Worst Managerial Traits displayed by Leaders – Part Three

We’ve reached week three in our follow up to the article on our blog when we talked about the reasons people leave companies. The response we got to the post was massive – so much so that we knew it was something we should return to.  So for the month of September this is what we’ve be discussing: The Worst Managerial Traits

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The Worst Managerial Traits displayed by Leaders – Part Two

A few months ago we posted an article on our blog talking about the reasons people leave companies. The response we got to this post was massive – so much so that we knew it was something we should return to.  So for the month of September this is what we’ll be discussing: The Worst Managerial Traits Displayed By Leaders We’ve identified 42

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The Worst Managerial Traits displayed by Leaders – Part One

A few months ago we posted an article on our blog talking about the reasons people leave companies. According to the findings of a Gallup poll released about the same time by far and away the main reason people leave is because of their boss – not the role, not the pay, but because of their manager, or immediate supervisor. The poll

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Here’s to making 2019 your best year ever!

“What?!” I hear you say!! “It’s still only August and you’re talking about 2019. You must be mad!” Well, we’re not mad, we’re prepared – and we want you to be, too. We’re nearly two thirds the way through 2018, so you’ll have a pretty good idea how the year will turn out, results-wise, for your team, department, division, or organisation as

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