Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

COMPANY CONFERENCE COMING UP SOON?…..then why not try something new!!!

  Cast your mind back … when was the last time you heard a talk, or a speech, at a meeting or conference, which left you feeling:   •    Absolutely and thoroughly uplifted? •    Full with sustainable enthusiasm? •    Invigorated? •    Burning with conviction and focus? •    Wanting to “go and pull trees up” with your bare hands?!  

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How to win big, when the economic forecast looks bleak

When people are afraid, it’s often said that they’re “scared stiff”. That’s because fear has the power to stop any one of us in our tracks. There is a good reason for this: in prehistoric times, when people lived in caves the roar of a huge predator scared them into hiding somewhere that was safe until the threat had passed.  It was

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“Sales Superstars” … why is that that they ….??

If you’ve ever worked in a sales team you’ll know that there are always one or two ‘superstars’… the ones who perform consistently ‘head and shoulders’ above the others. Top sales volumes, top margins, top customer satisfaction and loyalty, top referrals etc   So, what makes the difference?   It’s so simple … yet many Managers who are struggling to

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You have 4 seconds and 4 minutes to win in sales!

You see, it takes just a quick glance, maybe 4 seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In these few seconds the other person forms an opinion based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanour, your greeting, your mannerisms and how you are dressed. The next 4 minutes are usually used to re-enforce

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How to identify a terrible leader

It has always amazed us how many terrible leaders there are in the workplace. This isn’t something new; it’s been this way for as long as we can remember. Sadly, these ineffective leaders rarely get identified. This means terrible leaders aren’t given any opportunities to develop properly (most can become good, or great, leaders but never get shown how). The

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Is this your Leadership? How blind spots plague even the best leaders

For those of us who lead, traits like self-awareness and self-control should be a natural part of our emotional intelligence. But we might not know ourselves as well as we think we do – we might have blind spots that are plaguing our leadership and we don’t even know it. Imagine someone in a coaching session, asked to describe themselves

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Why most leadership programmes suck (and don’t improve results)

There are two basic problems with most leadership programmes that organisations run:- They suck (they’re theoretical mumbo-jumbo) (these are comments made by delegate, not us!); or They don’t improve the day to day behaviours of leaders or their teams’ performance or the business results The main reason for this is a complete misunderstanding of how leadership skills drive improvements in

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Are most companies over-managed and under-led?

Our 55-year experience as the leading UK business improvement specialists seems to suggest managers abound in organisations – but leaders are lacking. Managers these days tend to be “subject experts” who excel at processes and procedures – but who can’t and don’t connect with, or motivate, their people – or know how to build genuine trust. Many so called “leaders”

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Do you have any idea how bad we are at managing and prioritising our time?

Over the past 50 years we, at Sewells, have worked with clients to help them effectively deal with time management and prioritising … with enormous impact.   People stopped …. Still working through lunch Still working late at work, or when they get home Being unable to stay focused or give anything enough quality time Getting “drowned” by the number

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