Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

The “TOSITA” Series – Inspirational Story for Friday 5th March

Following on from our TOSITA (The Other Shot In The Arm) video on Monday – the focus was on learning how to control our thinking. It’s particularly tough to do this at the moment with all the challenges we face and negativity that abounds.  However, it’s more important than ever to master this now so we can all get through

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The Most Important Job In Any Business As They Come Out Of Lockdown

Behind every great team that produces outstanding results time and time again is a strong, positive culture, terrific leadership and passionate and committed people. Culture is so important.  Why?  Because culture is the living, breathing essence of what a team believes, values and does.  Culture is the written and unwritten rules that say how a team communicates, interacts, thinks, works,

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Sewells’ TOSITA series – Video #2

Welcome to Sewells’ TOSITA series! (The Other Shot In The Arm)   Last week, Sewells Chairman, Dr William Holden, explained how bountiful the human spirit is, when stimulated properly, and allows us to overcome all kinds of adversity – both personal and professional.  If you missed it, you can catch up here. In the second instalment, he talks about how to channel the energy

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The “TOSITA” Series – Inspirational Story for Friday 19th February

Following our video on Monday (click here to view) and the wonderful responses we’ve received about the content and style, it looks like the new Sewells TOSITA (“The Other Shot In The Arm”) series will have an ardent and passionate following. The main message of the video is that we all have vast reserves of unused potential, creativity-wise and energy-wise.

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Are you flogging a dead horse?

More than 7 weeks of this year have already gone! At some point you’ll have spent time thinking about how you’re going to achieve your business objectives for 2021. So, how are you doing? Are you on track? What changes have you had to make? (apart from the obvious, pandemic related ones) Are you getting the results you hoped for or

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Welcome to Sewells’ TOSITA series!

Welcome to Sewells’ TOSITA series! (The Other Shot In The Arm) Each Monday we’ll be sharing an inspirational video (click link below to view) giving powerful insights into how bountiful the human spirit is, when stimulated properly, to overcome all kinds of adversity – both personal and professional. We’ll follow this up each Friday with an equally inspiring and uplifting written story for you to

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Important announcement from Sewells: The “TOSITA” Series

With the vaccine roll out gathering pace, it seems like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for us to get past this pandemic… we don’t know how long the tunnel is … but there’s light at the end of it for sure …. And no matter how long the tunnel might be, our research with our clients

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Implementing Change Powerfully and Successfully

“Change is the only constant” – Heraclitus, Greek philosopher   What was true more than two thousand years ago is just as true today! We live in a world where “business as usual” is dealing effectively with not only the worry and challenges the pandemic has unexpectedly given us such as surviving as a business, homeworking (and home schooling) and how to

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