Another significant anniversary – and going from strength to strength (Part Three)

Thank you all again for the kind comments and congratulations that are still pouring in following the 30th anniversary of Dr. Will Holden taking over the running of Sewells (9th July). It has been humbling and fulfilling for him in equal measure.

It’s truly wonderful for the rest of the Sewells team to see and hear your messages to remind us of what a rich heritage we have and how impactful our work has been in enabling positive change for so many individuals and organisations over the globe.

Thanks to this work we’ve continued to learn and improve our offerings (and the results they produce) and we will continue to be the “go to” company for helping leaders who are serious about:

1. Inspiring leadership
2. Creating positive cultures
3. Enabling business critical change
4. Developing winning teams; and
5. Driving profitable sales growth

In this “Anniversary Series” we asked Will to give us some insights from the last 30 years as to the key elements of what is now the Sewells philosophy that transformed the business into the global leader it is today. We sent number # 1 and number # 2 in the previous two weeks; here is number 3:


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We can’t tell you the number of times we’ve been asked to provide something new and novel, or the latest “whizz-bang” things on, say, leadership skills because they’ve covered all the fundamentals in other training courses.

Our experience shows they may have “covered” a skill, such as motivation, communication or performance management, but they haven’t mastered it – or transferred it into the workplace to create any performance / morale / team spirit improvements.

Our whole approach to any training or development is to focus on using any new skills in the workplace to tremendously positive effect. Delegates often say to us, “We’ve covered this topic before … but we’ve never covered it like this.”

That’s because we weave together terrific content, the confidence that they can master it in practice and the motivation to persevere until the new skill is fully transferred into the workplace.

We also ensure that the managers of the delegates know what to do to play their full part in delivering the proper support in the workplace to ensure mastery. That way, the dials on the performance dashboard always positively and significantly move forward.


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Again, our 2019 Net Promoter Score (NPS) of +90 (the question was, “How likely is it that you would recommend Sewells to a friend or colleague?”) is testament for our philosophy working in practice. Not only that, but also a 97% score in answer to the question, “Overall, how easy are Sewells to work with?”

We make the positive change you want to see in your organisation happen in practice, so it’s pretty much risk-free – and we take as much of the work of planning, preparation etc … to make it as easy as possible for you.

Great, world beating results are what you get – and a hassle-free experience whether the business improvement programme is large or small. So, who else wold you choose?

Contact us now to begin a discussion about the areas for improvement you’d like to see in your organisation as we come out of lockdown – and go into what seems almost certain to be the very tough and challenging times ahead.

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