The top 10 reasons your talent will leave you

As a leader responsible for producing great results … year in, year out … you need to be aware that results are inextricably linked to your culture.

In fact, your results can only be as good as your culture allows them to be.


Because your culture seeps into the DNA of your people – the ones who produce the performances that drive results.

How can you produce the kind of results you want and need if your company culture creates the following beliefs and attitudes in your people?

  • More than 30% of employees believe they’ll be working somewhere else within 12 months
  • More than 40% don’t respect the person they report to
  • More than 50% say they have different values than their employer
  • More than 60% don’t feel their career goals are aligned with the plans their employers have for them
  • More than 70% don’t feel appreciated, or valued, by their employer

So, those employers who “have everything under control” had better start re-evaluating.

There’s a saying that goes, “Employees don’t quit working for companies … they quit working for their bosses.”

Regardless of tenure, position, title, etc., employees who voluntarily leave generally do so out of some form of perceived disconnect with leadership.

Here’s the thing though – employees who are challenged, engaged, valued and rewarded (emotionally, intellectually and financially) rarely leave … and more importantly, they perform at very high levels.

If you miss any of these critical areas, it’s only a matter of time until they head for your competition.

Your employees, no matter how capable they are, cannot thrive in a disconnected culture. And in this economy, there are few things more costly than losing highly skilled people to your competition.

Examine the following ten reasons why organisations lose their talent, and think about how misaligned leadership in your organisation could be causing your best and brightest to head for the exits:

  1. You failed to unleash their passions
  2. You failed to challenge their intellect
  3. You failed to engage their creativity
  4. You failed to develop their skills
  5. You failed to give them a voice
  6. You failed to care
  7. You failed to lead
  8. You failed to recognise their contributions
  9. You failed to increase their responsibilities
  10. You failed to keep your commitments

Smart leaders don’t make these mistakes … and we don’t want you to make them, either!

Come and experience just one day of our tried, tested and trusted approach to building a culture of “winners”, who perform to their maximum levels day in and day out.

Click here to register to attend one of our “Missing Link” seminars for senior executives – and you’ll be exposed to some of the secrets to keeping your best and brightest on your side in 2014 and beyond.

As a leader with a burning desire to grow your business at every opportunity, we’re positive you’ll find the “Missing Link” seminar practical, challenging, and eye-opening so that it inspires you to take your organisational performance to the next level.

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