Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

Is this the solution to your biggest leadership challenges?

We’ve transformed the working lives of so many people who, at the time supposedly “hated” their jobs. People who’d become anything from “a bit lost” to operating under a dark cloud of resentment. We’ve helped people choose a different attitude by following one simple rule: “Don’t moan about what you can change.” We can do the same for individuals in

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Why a leadership style doesn’t change

This simple, yet powerful story illustrates why a particular quality and style of management prevents many businesses from changing and evolving at the same pace as their competitors. There was a young boy who sold baseball style caps as a way to help his family earn enough money to keep a roof over their heads. He wandered the streets every

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Well begun is half done

We’re almost halfway there! Halfway through the year, that is! How’s your business performance looking so far? Remember, you only need two dots on a chart to give you a trend and you already have five (Jan-May)! It’s often around this time when you may realise you’re behind your objectives for the year, or could do with improving margins, or

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Where are we going and how do we get there?

How would you feel if you received a call from your HR Department, telling you that, for the first time ever, absenteeism was at 0%? If you think that’s just too good to be true, then we’d understand your scepticism. In 2013 alone, absenteeism cost UK businesses £29 billion! Almost every industry in the UK faces the same challenges in

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Who has ever heard of Alexander the Average?

You, your Directors and Senior Managers cannot demand respect for your leadership qualities … you must earn it every day. To be a leader that people willingly and enthusiastically follow, our recent survey shows that you must: Learn to control impulsiveness. Short-term solutions create long term problems. Where people lose faith in a leader is when they see knee-jerk reactions

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What are words for?

In any sales or customer service situation, smiles and positive body language go a long, long way. Showing you’re friendly, approachable and willing to help gets any customer interaction off on the right foot … but what happens next? What if you aren’t even speaking face-to-face and the phone is your only method of communication? We all know a smile

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Why people do what they do

If you are like many leaders or managers in business large or small, then you know getting optimal team performance is difficult to achieve in practice. It’s a problem for all organisations. Putting good players into the team supplies the foundation for good performance, but that is only part of the process. As the manager, you need to encourage behaviours

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The Cupcake Reward

Here’s a fact that few can deny: It feels good to get a reward – whether it’s a pint or a sizeable bonus – especially when you feel that you’ve genuinely earned it! Occasionally in business, rewarding individuals or departments for phenomenal performance gets overlooked, or worse, blatantly ignored. Often times, out-of-touch management or profit margins are to blame. Take

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Don’t let fear kill your sales!

Recently, we came across an interesting anecdote about the art of doing business. We think it’s a perfect example of how NOT to sell that is sometimes, and all too often, easily overlooked. A new salesman had just made his first sale. Elated with his success, his manager stepped in with: “Great work! What did the customer say no to?”

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