Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

7 obstacles to true leadership

We all know people who purport to be  leaders …  who, in reality, are not great examples of leadership, as they don’t demonstrate any of the key leadership principles. These key principles can be learned and mastered and used for greatness, but without them the ability to be an effective leader almost impossible. Discover what obstacles may be blocking your

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“Don’t Give Me Any Of That Namby-Pamby Culture Stuff …” Part 4

These statistics are specifically for the cynics, who question the importance of workplace culture in driving up measurable improvements in performance and bottom line results. FACTS:            64% of all employees don’t feel there’s a strong workplace culture* 49% of employees are dissatisfied with their direct boss* 66% of employees don’t see opportunities for potential growth* And only … 21% of

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“Don’t Give Me Any Of That Namby-Pamby Culture Stuff …” Part 3

I had the strangest conversation with a prospective client last week. Prospect: “We’re going to hire a Director of Change (OTE £200k) to help the staff embrace the strategic changes” Sewells: “Why don’t you let us run a culture change programme for you that will explain the strategies to the staff in a way that make sense to them, ignite

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“Don’t Give Me Any Of That Namby-Pamby Culture Stuff …” Part 2

We had a tremendous response to the week before last’s inspirational e-mail on how important successful culture change is in terms of transforming business results. At a recent meeting with business leaders, some of whom are the ones struggling to improve performance most said “Don’t give me any of that namby pamby culture stuff, I’ve got a business to grow”.

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“Don’t Give Me Any Of That Namby-Pamby Culture Stuff …”

Every organisation with more than three people in it has got a culture. The culture can be anything from positive, constructive and unstoppable to negative, destructive and horrible. All the work we, at Sewells, have done since the recession ended shows that, providing the business model works, the fastest way to: • Grow sales … profitably • Deliver operational excellence

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7 signs you have a great culture

It doesn’t matter how much money you make, or what perks come with your job, is it really worth it when you work in a toxic environment that makes you miserable? You may love your role and the industry you’re in, but you also need to make sure you love the company you work for – a company with a

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Culture change is hard … lasting culture change is really hard

Almost everyone we speak to these days understands that changing a company’s culture will improve performance and transform results more significantly (and quickly) than any other form of action. Many companies therefore attempt to change their culture but most fail (81% according to one recent study*). Given, the undeniable fact that building a better culture will make any business stronger

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What is culture and what can it do for you?

These statistics are specifically for the cynics, who question the importance of workplace culture in driving up measurable improvements in performance and bottom line results. FACTS:            64% of all employees don’t feel there’s a strong workplace culture* 49% of employees are dissatisfied with their direct boss* 66% of employees don’t see opportunities for potential growth* And only … 21% of

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Where does charisma end and where do solid leadership principles begin?

We’ve all met charismatic leaders … you know, the ones who cast a spell, talk hypnotically and mesmerise everyone who is honoured to walk in their presence. Their story-telling skills are legendary and poetic  … they embody the magnetic properties of the time honoured book “How to win friends and influence people,” they live and breathe these principles with astounding effects and

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