Leading Through Change
Discover our new powerful and dynamic two-day workshop that increases professional effectiveness and success. “Leading Through Change” will guide you through tried, tested and trusted,
Discover our new powerful and dynamic two-day workshop that increases professional effectiveness and success. “Leading Through Change” will guide you through tried, tested and trusted,
They never (publicly) complain. The ability to complain privately or bring up a complaint in a positive and professional way that provides a path to
They work for the greater good. They really “get” the vision and direction – and how to play their full part in making it “come
Excellent Communication Are you communicating the new direction and ways of doing things in a way that ignites people’s passions, not their cynicism? And, stirs
Of course you’re working hard to create employees who are motivated and send results “ballistic” on a consistent basis – who wouldn’t be?! The key
It has always amazed us how many terrible managers there are in the workplace. This isn’t something new; it’s been this way for as long
A gold medal winning Olympic athlete is going to do poorly competing in the high jump on Jupiter. The reason? Gravity is two and a
Beliefs. It’s as simple as that … not easy … simple! You believe certain things … your team believe other things. You believe the new
Any company can be beset by change, and at any time. This can be because of competitor activity, staff turnover, financial challenges, upheaval following a
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