Leading Through Change
Discover our new powerful and dynamic two-day workshop that increases professional effectiveness and success. “Leading Through Change” will guide you through tried, tested and trusted, step-by-step strategies that are simple to apply and will allow you to master change successfully and ultimately have the competitive advantage. Click here to find out more information.
The 3 Most Powerful Questions Any Leader Must Answer
While leadership concepts may be easy to understand, implementing them is often extremely challenging and, unfortunately, too difficult for some.Becoming a brilliant leader takes focus, well thought-out plans and determination.Effective leadership requires a strong foundation of self-knowledge – e.g. personal values, principles, vision, and goals – and a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. […]
What successful companies do…
Any company can be beset by change, and at any time. This can be because of competitor activity, staff turnover, financial challenges, upheaval following a re-structure … take your pick … the list is long, you’ll probably be able to come up with about 50 of your own reasons given a few minutes to think […]