Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

“How can anyone be successful without this?”

“How can anyone be successful without this?” This is the recurring question we receive from people who’ve reached what they had previously thought to be unattainable levels of success and achievement, as a direct result of attending one of our development workshops, or programmes. The reason for this, according to our delegates and clients, is because we have a terrific

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Personal Development: Being The Best (Part 2)

How did you do in Part 1 of the “Being the Best” last week? You have to score highly  on all six of the characteristics we previously mentioned to be sure you’re one of the “best”. If you didn’t then we have the solution for you here  if you did then congratulations you’re half way there to mastering the characteristics

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The Answer To Gearing You And Your Team Up For A Record Result In 2016!

Did you put those dates in your diary? If you did, then you’re all set to be joining us and other top, dynamic leaders from some of the most successful companies in the UK at our “high impact” personal and business improvement event. As a leader you know it’s your responsibility to achieve goals and objectives within the business … and sometimes

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You might want to make a note of these …

We’ve had an outstandingly positive response to the announcement of our up and coming events in 2016 … and wouldn’t want you to miss out! Why not drop these dates in your diary and join other top, dynamic leaders from some of the most successful companies in the UK, as they share their knowledge and expertise to our own at

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7 basic skills every great leader learns to master

Do what you say you will do. Too many leaders just do whatever they can get away with. Be credible. Do what’s right, not what’s easy. This one can be hard; doing what is right is rarely easy. And many times leaders choose the wrong path. Be courageous Take responsibility for your actions. Stop making excuses for your decisions and

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The secrets to improving your sales in 2016 and beyond

I wish you could have been with me a couple of weeks ago when we were delivering the second part of a sales development programme for a client. The fifteen delegates were mainly experienced sales people and a few new ones were also involved. Their sales figures have been ok(ish) over the last few years and they operate in a

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10 tips for creating world class customer service

We’re not “telling tales” out of school here when we say 66% of UK consumers believe customer service has deteriorated over the past three years and 81% of customers would be willing to pay more in order to receive good, or great, customer service! As 2016 fast approaches can you confidently say you have created and consistently delivered world class

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“Leading Positive Change” – Step 4

Following the huge responses to our previous 3 steps to “Leading Positive Change” (click here for 1, 2 and 3) here is another step to ensuring positive change in your organisation. The key to the success of any change agenda is how it is managed by the Senior Team; it’s also the main reason that 81% of change initiatives fail

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