Well, they did it!
Andy Murray and Serena Williams are Wimbledon Champions again! …
Love them or not, love tennis or not, Sunday was a huge moment and, since then, we’ve been thinking … it says a lot about success both in sport and business.
You see, success hinges on a few vital things. Obviously talent. Obviously persistence. But a few others too…
You often hear people claim they’re passionate or driven … or in a fleeting moment, determined to do this or that.
But the best sports people go beyond determination.
They have a kind of intent – a complete focus, and total belief in, the certainty of the end result.
For instance, last week when Murray got into his 5-set battle against Tsonga, he won a key point and yelled to his box, “There is no way I’m losing this match!”
That’s intent.
He was always willing to chase down another ball, and do what it took to get the win.
Serena had the same intent.
Every business leader should look at this…or any other sporting triumph … and ask the big question:
“Will my team really do everything it takes?”
Most won’t.
But maybe you’re different?
Serena’s support team is pretty stable. Andy’s is not … but … in the month since Murray teamed back up with his old coach Ivan Lendl, he’s won 2 titles. That’s 12 straight matches.
Being great at what you do will only get you so far…to get the big results, you’ve got to have the best people behind you/around you/with you/ supporting you.
Think about it. A ruthless commitment to results, and the right team behind you. That’s a pretty strong foundation for success … wouldn’t you say?
It works for all the best sports people, and the best in business too.
They’re driven, and they know they can’t figure everything out themselves. (Even Richard Branson has a mastermind group, to call on when he needs help!)
So how about you?
We can help you with your commitment, focus, belief and confidence i.e. your intent. That goes on in your head and we can help you develop it.
AND … we can help with the other thing. We can put the right team behind you, to get you started on the road to bigger results.
It starts with a FREE Telephone Diagnostic Interview*
To establish where you are now and the potential journey you have to take to be GREAT!
How does that sound?
You won’t win huge sporting trophies and you won’t get fame and adulation … but you will receive “gold dust” … as we reveal the barriers to achieving your organisation’s full potential, understanding why your strategies aren’t working in practice and discovering the “magic ingredient” to give you explosive growth for years to come!
The average improvement in sales in the last two years, in those organisations taking the The Sewells approach to Diagnostics, has been 29%, with profit increases averaging 23%.
So, this not something to be sniffed at, or ignored. The unique insights to be gained will be priceless, and yet will cost you nothing (if you have the courage to take us up). There’s no risk, no cost, no obligation … to get started simply click here and we’ll do the rest.
If you’ve got the intent, we’ve got the support.
Hey – the ball’s in your court now …