Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

The characteristics of terrific employees (part 1)

They work for the greater good. They really “get” the vision and direction – and how to play their full part in making it “come alive”. Great employees aren’t just team players; they have a deep understanding of how their team plays best. They have the ability to adapt their work styles for the greater good of a project or

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The Performance Breakthrough You Need and Want

Excellent Communication Are you communicating the new direction and ways of doing things in a way that ignites people’s passions, not their cynicism? And, stirs their souls, not their suspicions? And, lifts their spirit rather than crushes it? Do your people “get it”? Not just part of it, “ALL OF IT”?   Inspiring Leadership Effective leaders not only know where

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The 3 Most Powerful Questions Any Leader Must Answer

While leadership concepts may be easy to understand, implementing them is often extremely challenging and, unfortunately, too difficult for some.Becoming a brilliant leader takes focus, well thought-out plans and determination.Effective leadership requires a strong foundation of self-knowledge – e.g. personal values, principles, vision, and goals – and a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. As important as your leadership

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How effective a Leader are you and your team?

Of course you’re working hard to create employees who are motivated and send results “ballistic” on a consistent basis  –  who wouldn’t be?! The key to achieving this is not motivation; it goes beyond that … the key is inspiration! Your Senior Leadership Team might technically be very good at what they do (i.e. subject experts), but can they inspire and

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Are you a terrible manager?

It has always amazed us how many terrible managers there are in the workplace. This isn’t something new; it’s been this way for as long as we can remember. Sadly, these ineffective managers rarely get identified in a timely manner by senior management. This means terrible managers don’t get properly trained, or removed. The consequence is they linger on, doing irreparable

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So what’s it like on Jupiter?

A gold medal winning Olympic athlete is going to do poorly competing in the high jump on Jupiter. The reason? Gravity is two and a half times that of Earth’s which means … you’re just not going to jump very well. Contrast this to our moon, which gives you a huge advantage … because you’d weigh about 30 pounds. Too

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The solution to all the significant business challenges you can’t fix

Beliefs. It’s as simple as that … not easy … simple! You believe certain things … your team believe other things. You believe the new direction will energise and motivate your team … they believe the old direction was better. You believe your new strategies will kick start a sustainable growth track, your team don’t. You believe everyone is aligned

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What successful companies do…

Any company can be beset by change, and at any time.  This can be because of competitor activity, staff turnover, financial challenges, upheaval following a re-structure … take your pick … the list is long, you’ll probably be able to come up with about 50 of your own reasons given a few minutes to think about it. And, since you

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Our Customers Really Do Know Best

Simply register here to receive more details and FREE entry into a PRIZE DRAW for a 6 month One-on-One Executive Coaching Programme (Worth £3995) – Offer expires in 7 days – Our full services include: Sales Management | Sales | Telephone Sales | Management | Performance Management | Time Management | Personal Development | Customer Service | Recruitment and Retention | Coaching and

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