“Don’t Give Me Any Of That Namby-Pamby Culture Stuff …”
Every organisation with more than three people in it has got a culture. The culture can be anything from positive, constructive and unstoppable to negative,
Every organisation with more than three people in it has got a culture. The culture can be anything from positive, constructive and unstoppable to negative,
It doesn’t matter how much money you make, or what perks come with your job, is it really worth it when you work in a
Almost everyone we speak to these days understands that changing a company’s culture will improve performance and transform results more significantly (and quickly) than any
These statistics are specifically for the cynics, who question the importance of workplace culture in driving up measurable improvements in performance and bottom line results.
We’ve all met charismatic leaders … you know, the ones who cast a spell, talk hypnotically and mesmerise everyone who is honoured to walk in their presence.
We’ve transformed the working lives of so many people who, at the time supposedly “hated” their jobs. People who’d become anything from “a bit lost”
This simple, yet powerful story illustrates why a particular quality and style of management prevents many businesses from changing and evolving at the same pace
We’re almost halfway there! Halfway through the year, that is! How’s your business performance looking so far? Remember, you only need two dots on a
How would you feel if you received a call from your HR Department, telling you that, for the first time ever, absenteeism was at 0%?
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