We’re not “telling tales” out of school here when we say 66% of UK consumers believe customer service has deteriorated over the past three years and 81% of customers would be willing to pay more in order to receive good, or great, customer service!
As 2016 fast approaches can you confidently say you have created and consistently delivered world class customer service in 2015? Does everyone from the top to the bottom live, eat and breathe delivering amazing service? If the answer is “no”, “maybe” or you find yourself looking for excuses … the likelihood is they don’t. Here, at Sewells, we know that to be brilliant at customer service it needs to be deeply embedded in your culture … it needs to be an obsession, not an initiative!
Download our FREE “10 tips for building world class customer service” report, where we share insightful tips. Implementing these will give you the biggest return on investment for your business and … make sure your customer keep coming back to you again and again!
If you want to attract more customers and, equally as important, keep them, but are struggling to successfully implement the steps above, Sewells can help.
- When we worked with an organisation in the automotive industry we helped them move from the bottom of a customer satisfaction survey (in a league of 200) to the top 10% in a 6 month period.
- Another organisation in the retail industry had seen their share price increase nearly 8 fold in just 4 years on the back of a customer centric culture change programme we ran.
If improvements in results like the above are what you’re looking for … look no further … contact us today on 01244 681068 or email us on tellmemore@sewells.com … you’ll be really glad you did.