The effectiveness of a leader to “land” the transformation plans hinges on trust and credibility. If you want to accelerate your impact as a leader, trust is the secret to increasing your velocity and effectiveness.
To lead others, you must first gain their trust. These words are the foundation of building that trust:
“I’ve thought this through…I’ve thought of the business, the customers, the team, and you!”
Any team of people that needs to be convinced of a particular idea will not follow without trust. If effectively leading change is really about influence (and by the way effectively leading change is about influence), that influence can only come from someone who trusts in your intentions, judgement, decision making, and in your character.
Character, which is the moral and mental qualities distinctive to an individual, is important. It’s important because good business judgement and decision making are not enough and they don’t exist in a vacuum; gaining agreement means showing your character … your true character, your authentic self.
When times are tough, people want to know who you really are. And not in a press release or bio page, even with the amount of social media outlets available today, actions still speak louder than words, and people will be able to see who and what you really are through them.
So what are the actions you can take to foster trust and inspire action? What connections can you make for your team, to establish yourself as an authentic and trustworthy leader? Consider carefully these words as a central part of your message. Whatever the subject at hand, when you discuss your vision you must convey the following:
The words: “I’ve thought this through…I’ve thought of the business, the customers, the team and you…”
If it’s convincing people will trust and follow you. If it’s not your change agenda is a dead duck!
With this Covid-19 crisis, no one can accurately predict every aspect of the future. Yet a leader has to have a vision that is clear, concise and believable. In other words: a trusted vision of the future.
If you aspire to inspire, and to create new outcomes with, through and for others, you’ve got to be able to articulate a short, medium and long term view of the situation – and the organisation’s ability to deliver it – in a credible way.
We are here to help you with this and show you the way through our online “Business Bouncebackability” 90 minute seminar which is running on Tuesday 15th December at 9.30am till 11am.
So, to register for your free place, simply click below, or email us … start your trust journey now in making 2021 your Bounceback year.