Tackling the Hidden Motivation Crisis: A Leader’s Guide to Authentic Engagement

In our first leadership insights article, as part of our newsletter launch, Gail Harrison, Sewells Owner and MD, challenges leaders to rethink their approach to team motivation. Drawing from recent studies and expert insights, Gail highlights the widespread nature of workplace demotivation and its costly impact on businesses. We’ve posted this first article on LinkedIn as a taster, sign up to our mailing list to receive these valuable insights straight to your inbox, every other week.

Dear fellow leaders,

Have you ever felt like your team’s motivation was slipping away, despite your best efforts?

Well here’s the challenge: What if I told you that our traditional approaches to motivation might be part of the problem?

Let me explain:

Firstly, if this is a challenge for you, you’re not alone. Recent studies show that 85% of employees worldwide are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work (Gallup, 2023).

This silent epidemic is costing businesses billions annually in lost productivity and high turnover rates.

I was recently listening to Dr Julie Smith, the clinical psychologist and author, speak on a podcast, and it shifted my perspective on leadership and motivation. It made me realise that we’ve been looking at motivation all wrong.

The Problem:

We’ve been operating under the misguided belief that motivation should be constant, and that any dips are a sign of failure. This mindset is not only unrealistic but also harmful to our teams and ourselves.

The Symptoms:

  • Increased employee disengagement
  • Higher turnover rates and decreased loyalty
  • Reduced productivity and quality of work
  • More conflicts and communication breakdowns
  • A culture of mediocrity taking root

Sound familiar? If you’re nodding along, you’re not alone. These symptoms are widespread, but they’re often misdiagnosed as individual performance issues rather than signs of a deeper, systemic problem.

The Root Cause:

The real issue lies in our failure as leaders to consistently reinforce purpose and acknowledge the natural ebb and flow of motivation.

We get so caught up in tasks, targets and KPIs that we forget to connect our daily work to a greater purpose.

If you’re a leader looking to boost team performance and create a thriving workplace culture, don’t miss out on our bi-weekly insights. Subscribe to our newsletter for practical tools, fresh perspectives, and confidence-boosting strategies to excel in your leadership role. Click hereto join our community of forward-thinking leaders

The Solution:

It’s time for a fundamental shift in our approach to leadership.

The 5 actions we need to take:

  1. Embrace authentic leadership: Be vulnerable and acknowledge that you struggle to be motivated at times too … share your own motivation struggles.
  2. Consistently reinforce the ‘why’: Regularly connect daily tasks to your organisation’s larger purpose and vision (the why and the where)
  3. Acknowledge motivation’s natural fluctuation: Remove the guilt associated with occasional dips in enthusiasm – it’s entirely normal so let’s accept it and find ways to reinvigorate
  4. Foster a culture of meaningful work: Involve team members in goal-setting and provide growth opportunities whenever and wherever you can.
  5. Implement regular check-ins: Use one-on-ones to discuss individual motivations and aspirations and team meetings to reinforce shared purpose.

The Outcome:

Help team members re-connect with why they are doing something and how it contributes to the whole.

We’d all love a workplace where team members are deeply connected to their work’s purpose, even on challenging days. Picture a culture where motivation fluctuations are met with understanding and support. Envision teams that are more innovative, resilient, and fulfilled.

Research backs this up. A study by Imperative (2022) found that purpose-oriented workers are 54% more likely to stay at a company for 5+ years and 30% more likely to be high performers.

Key Takeaway:

Authentic, purpose-driven leadership isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential for the success and sustainability of our teams and organisations. By addressing the motivation crisis at its root, we have the opportunity to not just improve our businesses, but to redefine what leadership means in the 21st century.

Are you ready to take on this challenge?

Want to turn your weakest team into your strongest asset? We’ve just launched our ‘Team Assessment’ service. This in-depth analysis identifies your team’s unique challenges and provides tailored solutions to skyrocket their performance.

Spots are limited, so click here to book a chat with our team and remember, the future of our teams—and the impact of our work—depends on how we lead- and addressing this motivation crisis is a key part.

Let’s lead with authenticity, purpose, and a deep understanding of what truly drives human motivation.

Here’s to creating more engaged, purposeful, and high-performing teams!

Best regards,


P.S. Don’t let the motivation crisis silently undermine your team’s success. Take the first step towards positive change now by booking a Team Assessment. Your future self (and your team) will thank you!

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