“Leading from any chair”

Following on from our help sheet of last week (which you can download again by clicking here), the feedback has been brilliant and you’re definitely hungry for more pragmatic help and support.

We, at Sewells, feel the world of work may never quite be the same again – in so many ways. One of the ways to recognise and gain benefit for everyone from this current situation, is the concept of being able to “lead from any chair”.

Leadership skills are being demonstrated by people in all kinds of ways, across all positions and sectors – and they’re often not even aware they are demonstrating these skills.

So what are the behaviours that typify these leadership skills? Here are the top 3 …


(click on image to download file)

We can help you complete a “Leading from any chair” survey when we all get back to work to identify who the covert leaders are…and develop them properly.

It will turbocharge the recovery!

Watch out for the survey!  But in the meantime if you require any further clarification on the above, or any help or support at all, please contact us on 01244 681068 or tellmemore@sewells.com and we’ll help you in any way we can.

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