Positively transform and drive sustainable improvements in performance and results

Covering a wide range of topics including inspirational leadership, enabling positive change, tackling team dysfunction (these are just some examples – there are many more!), the insights we share shine a light on those hidden barriers and opportunities, to help start you and your business on the road to change… or even transformation…

How to manage – properly and effectively

Let’s face it, managers, and particularly middle managers, are the organisation’s ‘engines’ and ‘gearboxes’ (no pun intended) that turn strategic intentions into performance and results. However, somewhat alarmingly, we’re finding many middle managers have lost the ability to be effective at making decisions, becoming masterful at creative problem solving, or planning and prioritising in a way that turns ideas into

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Creating Space for Change

What does successful change in your business or your team look and feel like for you? What are the barriers to making it happen?   Asking the second question so often elicits the following responses… “Time!”, “We’re drowning”, “There’s too much to do”, “I’m maxed out” “I’ve barely got time for the BAU (Business as Usual) activities let alone anything else.”

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Accountability… “If it is to be, it is up to me”

“That was a great customer experience”… or, “I really felt they understood what I needed…” are words I wish I heard myself (and other customers) say more frequently, particularly in this day and age when we seem to be gathering more information than ever on how customers (b2b or consumers) feel about the services they consume.   I’d like to say

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A team can spell success … or disaster

Like most people, we’ve always been fascinated by the link between the level of teamwork and performance. Now, it’s more important than ever – whether that’s for the team in the office/showroom or working from home – or both! So, how does the right team become a single, efficient, almost unstoppable unit with each person willingly playing their full part,

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Igniting passion inside yourself and everyone in your team

Corporate culture is the glue that holds every business together. Far too often, however, a company’s strategy, imposed from above, is completely at odds with the ingrained practices, attitudes and inner workings of its culture.  Many leaders and managers continue to underestimate how much the effectiveness of their strategy development depends on cultural alignment and the total engagement and buy-in

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How to strengthen your internal communication effectiveness.

Lots of people have come to this realisation recently;  “We have to re-learn how to talk to each other and stop sending emails”. As a leader you’ll know that internal communication between teams and departments is important for any organisation to function effectively. However, a recent survey found that the one mistake organisations make the most in managing their business

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Creating a Culture of “Getting Things Done”

If strategies are about identifying how you and your team are going to achieve/exceed objectives, implementation is all about actually making it happen. Strategies are ten a penny, even brilliant ones; it’s the follow-through. The implementation of strategies is where the true treasure lies – and it’s usually the biggest gap in any business being successful.  The primary elements of

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Performance Transformation: How to drive significant increases in performance

Getting people to change the way they think, feel and behave is the key that unlocks the door to positively and sustainably transforming business performance and results. During these difficult economic times, sustainable, outstanding performance, in any area of your business, is based on people having the right expertise, performing consistently and persistently – on a “want to”, “can do”

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Team building: Building and retaining a High Performing Team

Building and retaining an engaged and high-performing team is more critical today than ever in order to thrive in these challenging times. Effective, high-performing teams don’t just happen by chance – it takes insightful, skilful, disciplined, focused action in the right areas when each team member is expected to make a significant contribution to team results. High-performing teams are, by

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