Do you want to learn how to achieve your goals?

You’ve set your goals for 2024 – do you want to learn how to achieve them?

Lasting and positive change in any area of life doesn’t usually come from where most people think … painful human effort, frustration, guilt or beating yourself up over your failures.

It actually comes from having a strong focus on, and total belief in, the benefits that the changes will bring about.

Goal setting specialists often describe it as “Starting with the end in mind”.  In other words, it’s about seeing and feeling how terrific it’s going to be when the change has happened.


Price vs Promise

We, at Sewells, call it the “Price vs. Promise” balance, i.e., if the promise is big enough (and clear enough and beneficial enough), most people will willingly and happily pay the price of attaining it (in terms of hard work, making the necessary sacrifices, etc.).

When you’re fully “locked on” to the benefits of change…the change begins… it’s gradual at first as you begin to think differently.  You then begin to talk and act differently.  You need to be patient, however, because change just doesn’t happen “in a straight line”.

The one thing you must understand is that, as long as the total belief is firmly locked in place, the outcome is INEVITABLE!!

That means you can enjoy the transformation process.  Too many people look like they’re walking a tightrope rather than being on a pathway to success and glory.

Learn to enjoy where you are on your way to where you’re going!

Too many people get discouraged about how far they still have to go (and give up) rather than learning how to celebrate the progress they’ve made on the way.


Learn to set goals which you will ACHIEVE

Our world-renowned Working Miracles … with Performance™ workshop includes a Goal Setting masterclass which will show you how to set goals in a way that you CAN NOT FAIL to achieve them. Our next workshop is on 13th & 14h March here in Chester.  If you want 2024 to be the year you set your goals … and actually achieve them, then the principles you’ll learn on this 2-day workshop will show you how.  Register your interest here.

And, if you need more convincing, below are just some comments we’ve heard from previous delegates:

“Once or twice in a lifetime, if we’re lucky, we have an experience that causes a seismic shift in our professional and personal life.  The Working Miracles with Performance workshop is such an experience…a true inspiration…a revelation.”

“The workshop title should be “Miracles into Reality”

“I’ve worked for a big blue chip FMCG companies for 20 years and have been through loads of leadership, management and personal development programmes – but these were two of the best days I’ve ever spent.” 

“I’ve set and achieved more goals in the last 12 months because of the Goal Setting Masterclass than in my previous 35 years on earth!”


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