BT Case Study

Anything is possible no matter what the situation…


BT had initiated a programme with Sewells that directly impacted on 5000 employees who needed to be re-deployed due to structural changes. The programme offered the opportunity for the individuals concerned to find a new role within BT or outside.


This “career change” project provided a practical ongoing basis for participants to apply with confidence the Sewells learning from the workshops and review personal progress. This effectively gave people the tools to allow them to take control of their lives and careers, both inside and outside BT.

The Challenge

How do you find a new job/role after thinking you had a job/role for life?

The big issue was overcoming the “job/role for life” mind-set of many employees. Therefore, when the news of the restructuring was announced, there was a deep sense of shock and resentment from those involved.

To help people through this, BT First Call was established so that re-skilling could be planned and monitored, and the employees could be supported properly in their transition into new jobs(roles).

How We Helped

Anything is possible no matter what the situation

To fully understand and appreciate the key deliverables required, together with timescales, consultation took place with Senior Managers and Career Consultants within BT First Call.

Based on various discussions and discovery, a bespoke programme called “Working Miracles” focusing on attitude, motivation and total belief was designed and delivered to over 700 BT First Call employees (known as Career Changers).

In addition, a one-day overview of the programme was delivered to the Career Consultants who were responsible for the Career Changers, with the objective of understanding how best to support this work and create a successful change in job/role.

Then, a two-day version of the workshop was rolled out and delivered to the rest of the Career Changers nationwide.

The Results

There was no doubt that “Working Miracles™” played a crucial part in turning the BT First Call management team’s vision into a reality.

  • It made a profound difference to the individuals involved
  • It helped the organisation to achieve its very challenging business objectives in a very difficult market environment
  • Over 70% of the Career Changers who experienced the programme had their faith restored and became confident, happy and productive employees again – either inside BT or in other organisations

Customer Quote

“In the last 12 months the work has saved BT £10 Million, turning “victims of change” into “drivers of change”. I personally feel that this course is the most beneficial training I have ever received. I know it has enabled me and hundreds of others to positively change my life.”

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