AA Case Study

Accelerated success beyond all expectation


With the existing members of the Debt Collection Team being joined by new, inexperienced Debt Collection Agents, it highlighted the importance of providing training and development support the ‘push’ to improve the current level of cash recovery and general, overall performance of the team. Sewells provided a tailored and hugely motivational programme for the Debt Collections team to equip them with the tools and abilities to guarantee consistently achieving results never seen before.


A 19.3% increase achieved on their “best ever” figure for collected debt in a quarter

Unauthorised absences which was previously at 7.5%, held at 0% for nine consecutive months

Sewells developed a tailored programme, unique for the Debt Collections Team

The programme was designed to help ensure that all Agents work smarter to increase performance, their self-confidence and the team spirit

The Challenge

Debt Collection Agents are responsible for chasing defaulters of motoring policies from five different areas; they all have their own individual targets to achieve depending on the type of debt.

One of the key strategies for the business was to reduce the amount of default and debt.  New, inexperienced Debt Collection Agents joining the team highlighted the importance of providing proper and highly effective training and development support to deliver the key strategy objectives.

An effective development programme needed to take place without delay to begin to deliver on the strategy, and in the most non-disruptive way possible to ensure the effective continuation of the debt collection operation. This was to ensure a significant increase in the percentage of debt recovered against target, individually and as a team and a significant increase in overall performance of all new and existing team members.

Individual areas that were identified as requiring improvement were product knowledge training, effective questioning and listening techniques, handling difficult situations and managing the ‘silences’ of the communication process more effectively.

How We Helped

The Sewells team initially delivered a two-day workshop on ‘Effective Call Handling’ for the Debt Recovery Team of AA Financial Services in Cardiff. The programme was developed to enhance the existing skills of each agent, giving them improved knowledge and expertise and creating an understanding of how to effectively deal with challenges posed by their customers, helping to ensure that all agents work smarter, calmer and with more confidence to find acceptable solutions for customers.

The programme also provided a step-by-step approach to building competencies within the Debt Collection Team, creating situations to which customers willingly agreed, maximising opportunities for change and their own internal beliefs of being an effective team member. All the workshops created energy and excitement and a terrific ‘one team spirit’ within the work environment.

Sewells developed a tailored programme that equipped the agents with tools and abilities to guarantee consistent improvement in performance, reinforced core skills across the team and provided specific skills training relating to handling objections and obtaining commitment to pay.

The Results

  • A significant change in the attitude, motivation and behaviour of each individual
  • The Debt Collection Team enjoyed their “best ever months”, in terms of collected debt, immediately following the workshop
  • A 19.3% increase achieved on their “best ever” figure for collected debt in a quarter
  • Absenteeism at 0% for the first time ever!
  • Everybody consistently supporting one another and engaging colleagues and customers using positive words and actions
  • The team had forbidden any negative ‘dream stealing’-type activity, encouraging each other to believe that stretching objectives are achievable
  • The change in behaviour was so tangible that other Managers working in the area had commented on it – and wanted a similar programme for their own team
  • Unauthorised absences which was previously at 7.5%, held at 0% for nine consecutive months

Customer Quote

“I’ve seen a significant change in the attitude, motivation and behaviour of each individual in the team and it’s so tangible that other Managers working in the area have commented on it.”

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